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The Lilies

'A family conflict, a secret hidden in plain sight and a love which lasts to death and beyond…'

In 2022, I begun work on a short film. The project, previously called 'The Calm Before' has evolved and changed as the script has been revised and developed and is now re-titled as 'The Lilies'. The script has now been finalised and I am currently working on the character designs. Below are the original storyboards and character designs, when the project was in it's early stages. If you would like to follow this project's development, you may do so on Instagram @maaryx_art.

▼Storyboard Stills▼ 


◄Main Character Designs►

The main character of the film had two costume changes. When we first met her in the Temple she was wearing long flowing robes and a gold necklace. In the second half of the story she was transformed into a warrior decked in a full suit of armour. I designed and created the turns for both outfits in Photoshop.

The Lady - FullTurns - 006.jpg
The Lady - Armour Turns - 005.jpg

▼Full Character Turn Arounds▼

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